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How to minimize the effects of tsunami (Quantifying. Ideas evolve)

Idea published on September 1, 2015

In an attempt to offer a solution to control the problem of reducing the flow of water of a tsunami. I quantified, with the few data that I tell, the tsunami that hit Japan in 2011. A approximate solution of the system that idee, I repeat approximate.
The average wave that hit Japan approximately 40 meters high and therefore must have been about 80 meters base.
Calculating the volume of water in a section of 3.3 km, traveling at a speed of 30 km / h taking the wave as a prism.
Use the formula volume of prism = 0.43 * 6400 * 3300 = 9,081,600 cubic meters.

Whereas the nozzle has a diameter of 40 meters, the wave would take about 5 seconds to travel the diameter.
The nozzle consists of 6 suction engines measure 10 meters high and 10 meters in diameter so cilíndrica. Each motor can move a volume of 785 cubic meters.
A 1,000 r.p.m. 6 engines displace a second 4710 meters cúbicos.En 5 seconds displace 23,550 cubic meters.

Electric motors are asynchronous squirrel cage is hollowed to allow the flow of water through its interior and use this as a refrigerant .The squirrel cage inside is coated with an aluminum layer, which supports some blades. These allow water flow speed.

The motors are powered by batteries in case of power failure of the main electrical system, this energy passing through a DC / AC converter.
The coast of Tokyo is the one I used for this example, I take the length it is approximately 80 km.

If a flow rate of about 9,081,600 cubic meters divide it by 23,550 cubic meters in 3.3 km and gives me a total of 385 nozzles each 3.3 km. If the distance from the coast is aproxim. We do 80 km (80 km * 385) / 3 = 10,266 km nozzle.
  These would be installed along the red line marked on the map.
Are you could say it's a significant amount of nozzles and that the cost would elevado.Vamos to assume that the cost of construction of the nozzles were approximately $ 1,000,000 multiplied by the nozzles reach 10,266 billion of dolares.¿Cuanto Tokyo cost to rebuild devastated by a tsunami? Much more expensive ...

This is all.
Pablo Ignacio Valle

Ideas published April 20, 2012

Continuing with the idea of ​​the nozzles, it has occurred to me that a form of the nozzles less impact on the flow of submarine tides, ideally, they are folding.

I was also happened to take advantage of ocean currents to generate electricity and support the electric motors of the nozzle. (Figure 1)

 The nozzle will shrink and expand depending on the situation of need (Figure 2).

To cause expansion and contraction, electric motors that would spread by toothed guides be used, these in turn are attached to the moving parts of the moving parts toberas.Las be constructed of carbon fiber and having a resistance good mechanical and does not rust, allowing better maintenance. (Figure 3) .The be built based concrete to give sufficient strength to the nozzle and an anchor.

The concrete base will contain a pipe for evacuation of the sucked water, and moving parts once expanded will anchor including c-shaped inverted. (Figure 4).

The food generator and a battery would be rotating to harness the flow of currents
marine, batteries would provide current suction engines and the engines of mobile parts. Energy independence would be critical to not depend on the power supply if this fails land. (Figure 5)

Well ready by this time, see you next.

Pablo Ignacio Valley.

Idea published October 16, 2011

Taking up again the idea publish the free September 13 2011.La solution in my opinion is the water extraction nozzle, as this at first sight an effective technical solution and not very expensive.
It should take into account the calculations of water flow, so that the displacement of the same is effective after the tsunami started.
Another thing to consider is the opening of the mouth of the nozzle (Figure 1), the greater the suction opening angle more, this allows the nozzle more distance away from each other and to include more long coastline, at a lower cost ( Figure 2).
Figure 1

Figure 2

What is not whether it would be better to establish a permanent nozzles on the seabed, or are moving from the coast to the bottom.

We must also consider the effect turbulence, which produces the output stream; This causes interference to the force of the tsunami, causing an interruption to the flow of water (figure 3).
Figure 3

I hope this clarifies a bit more the idea ... until next time.
Pablo Ignacio Valley


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