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System emergency landing of a plane with airbag

Idea posted January 22, 2013

Usually emergency aircraft in the descent forced landing gear used to pose the aircraft on the ground. The side wheels located on the wings at the bottom, are not designed to provide mechanical strength and shed their wings, allowing the wings do not break spilling fuel.
The method I designed airbag, allow a landing with landing gear or without them.
In figure 1 we see the image plane side, which is shown in the airbag bags located in the lower plane. When deployed and form a protection, which can absorb the impact force.

The Kevlar be forged bags this is a very impact resistant cloth, and inflated with pressure obtained turbine or a compressor powered by the power turbine.
Figure 2 shows the distribution of the airbag in the lower plane. I propose that the bag is divided into three parts: rear, center and front. I also propose the location of a bag in the wings.
In figure 3 and figure 4 can be seen on the location of cutting the airbag, between the walls of the fuselage and the inner wall. In this space the bags would be located and contracted airframes walls serve as protective cover, which will have an ejection system covers. These would open a command cockpit and shares the bag inflation automatically.

The airbag of the wings have the function, not to allow the rolling plane at touchdown.
Another advantage of the system is that if you should touch down the airbag system gives more buoyancy.

That's all for today until next ....

Pablo Ignacio Valle


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